Recommended Books and Links

Below is a curated list of books and online resources that will deepen your understanding of lean manufacturing. Some classic, some newer, some lean-but-not-lean. Whether you are a lean newbie, re-starting or sustaining, there is something for you.

I hope you’ll steal, adapt, and create your own xxx

These recommendations are the personal opinion of LEANpronto and LEANpronto is not compensated or supported or sponsored by any of these resources.

LEAN Websites (more advanced lean resources)





LEAN Basics

  • Everything I Learned about LEAN I Learned in First Grade (xxxxx, 2020). This is the best, most basic introduction to LEAN principles I've read. Maybe a little cheezy in parts but I have used it for years with managers and production workers and have found that this introduction to LEAN concepts makes my efforts easier to understand.

  • The Goal (xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 19xx)

    • The original LEAN novel that begat/started/mothered many others. A great story of recognizing waste and improving flow and balancing lines.

LEAN Intermediate

  • LEAN Production Simplified (xxxxxxxxxx, 2000). My go to resource when looking for answers or reminders about LEAN concepts. Well laid out inits order and chapter summaries with easy-to-follow

  • Today and Tomorrow (Henry Ford, xxxx)

  • The 7th Why (LEANpronto, 2027). And you thought there were only five. Coming soon!


  • Crucial conversations - this will be necessary skills for handling those resistant to change. See Also "Influencer" and most any other book, article or website by Crucial cc (

  • Atomic Habits

  • Faster Stronger Better